
Jesus. How do people come up with content about which to blog?! My days are mainly just filled with watching the same episodes of The Office over and over again, and feeding/changing/looking at a sleeping baby all day. What the hell am I supposed to talk about with that?

It would be super easy for me to say something like “Well, I have a two month old, and that means I can’t really get out of the house that much to explore what the world has to offer as far as writing potential”, but honestly, I stayed home all of the time even before I had a kid. I’m a homebody, but that’s not really an excuse, since I know plenty of “home” people that have loads to say in the way of readable content. I also know tons of moms that aren’t using their kids as an excuse to never ever do anything ever.

I also kind of hate the idea of having a typical “Mommy Blog” where I spew on and on about how amazing my daughter is (it’s so obvious though, right?), and how big she’s getting, and how much I cry thinking about her first day of school in four short years. But, really, that’s totally my life. Well, that and reruns of The Office wherein I treat it more like a Quote-A-Long (I’m serious. If it weren’t one of the lamest “talents” ever, people would be totally impressed. Not surprisingly, I was diagnosed with O.C.D. last year, so…yeah).

I keep wanting to challenge myself and write at least once every day for a month, but let’s face it – that could totally suck for anyone that bothers to read this, because who really gives a shit about my life? I mean, if I can’t come up with awesome content to write about, then I’d be forced to just write about my every day misadventures, and who cares? I barely even care. 

An example of one of those kinds of posts would be:

Started Weight Watchers like a week ago. Haven’t lost any weight, but I feel like I can tell a difference inches-wise. So, there’s that.

Today, Sophie and I watched ever single episode of one particular show today. That’s all we did!

Soph shat all over my hand today.



Yeah, that would basically be it. I feel at a loss right now. Stifled. Bored. Boring. In a mother fuckin’ rut, you guys.

One thought on “Content

  1. Perhaps that’s the difference between a blog and a journal? In my LiveJournal, I write whenever there’s something I feel like sharing, which could be twice a day or there could be weeks between entries. I don’t feel the need for there to be a regular schedule (or even for there to be a consistent theme).

    Perhaps you could treat your blog like a journal? Those who want to read you will be there whether you post twice a day or twice a month.

    Do you have a particular goal for your blog that you feel you need to achieve?

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