Sophia – 1 Month Old

Soph is a month old today, and we celebrated by getting up way too early and going to get her tongue clipped!

This month has been a whirlwind and has gone by so quickly…which I guess goes without saying when someone uses the word “whirlwind” to describe time. Anyway, being a mom is really gratifying to me! I know it’s not for everyone, and that’s awesome by me, but it’s a great feeling to me! I have always wanted to be a mom, and I honestly feel like I’ve been Sophie’s mom for way longer than just a month!

In the past month, we have gotten very little sleep and gone through many a diaper, but it’s so worth it to wake up to her little face every day!

I am so excited for this next month and all of the smiles and laughs and weird looks to come!


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